How To Create A Beautiful Messy Hair Bun
Whoever revolutionized the five minute messy bun should win an award. With these instructions, you can create a beautiful, messy bun in less than five minutes that will last for two days. (The majority of voices say this ‘do works best on shoulder length or longer hair, but it is definitely not a prerequisite.)
You will need a brush, an elastic band, and the very trusty bobby pins. Try creating this look with damp hair, it seems to work better when you are first getting the hang of this style.
Brush your hair so it is tangle-free, then lean over and grasp your hair into a ponytail at the crown of your head. Take your elastic band to hold your ponytail like normal, but when you get to the last pull-through, you don’t pull it all the way through; you leave it as a loop.
You should have a nice big ball shape on your head, with plenty of your ends sticking out from under the elastic band since you didn’t pull your hair all the way through.
At this point you are getting your hairdo for your second day which will be curls. What you do is a vintage ‘pin curl’ with your loose ends. Just twist it around your finger into a swirl, then pin.
Cross a couple of bobby pins through the little mini swirl you created. (This little pin curl will add waves to ends of your hair tomorrow.)
Start pulling the loose loops together into a bun shape, bobby pinning as you go. You end result should look like a solid bun. Do not get too into trying to make it perfect: Remember this is the “messy bun” look.
This should take a couple minutes, and you can add a bobby pin to tame stray strands, or even make your look more unique by putting a ribbon in your hair or a pearly clip in. If you want a smoother look, spritz your hair with some hairspray.
And remember tomorrow, when you take down your bun, you will be rewarded with wavy, volume filled hair because you created the bun damp and your hair dried in that style. Yes you did it a messy hair bun in 5 mins!
What a great secret! Spread the word!