Beachy Waves In Half The Time
Beachy waves are the sexiest of winter hair, and while you can achieve this look by using a flat iron or curling iron, some mornings you may just not have the time you need to use these tools. They are great if you’re going for a more dressed-up look and need to shape the waves and curls so they hold all evening, but for a day at work or the beach, consider a few other options for achieving this laidback and lovely look.
Hot Rollers
It may seem like curlers are for grandmas, but hot rollers have developed and evolved through the years into a powerful and efficient tool. You may have to experiment with them once or twice to achieve the type of curl or wave you want and to test how they work with your hair – but that can be part of the fun. With hot rollers, you always want to make sure your hair is completely dry, so it will curl instead of falling flat. If you’d like to add more volume and shape, you can spray each section with a little hair spray.
Placing Hot Rollers
You also want to be sure that you are somewhat methodical in how you put the curls in. Begin at the front of your head, and section of a middle portion. Curl your hair back, not forward, to create maximum volume, and be sure to get the ends in the curlers. Once you’ve done the middle, do the sides. Let your hair set while you put on make up and get dressed, then remove the curlers, shape with your hands and some gel, and you’re ready to go.
Braids and Bamboo Rollers
Braids are still a fantastic way to get beachy waves. Shower at night and partially dry your hair, so it’s left only slightly damp. Grab sections of your hair and braid them. In the morning, undo and shake out the braids. Shape with fingers and take a curling iron or hot rollers to a few sections to create some depth and variation. Bamboo rollers are also great if you want more defined curls. Be sure not to wrap your hair too tightly around each roller, so you don’t end up with kinky or weird curls. Wrap each section loosely with just slightly damp hair. Make sure you get fabric rollers that are comfortable to sleep in. When you awake, voila – beautiful waves with only a fraction of the effort.